Excerpts: Am I Normal Yet & What’s A Girl Gotta Do?

Am I Normal Yet & What’s A Girl Gotta Do are the two books from Holly Bourne’s famous Book Series Spinster Club. Basically, the whole series being dedicated to all the things related to feminism, Mental Health Issues (Anxiety and OCD), Friendships and OfCourse Romance but mainly Mental Health issues and feminism which are not very pleasant topics to talk about with most of the people. Some of my favorite excerpts:

” Everyone’s on the cliff edge of normal, everyone finds life an utter nightmare sometimes and there’s no normal way of dealing with it. There is no normal Evelyn “


It really hit hard sometimes. I read these two books a month back and loved them. Holly Bourne’s writing and storytelling is amazing. It took me a while to develop interest in the story but eventually I did, and I was unable to set these two books aside towards the end as it was highly engrossing. I had a whirlwind of emotions at the end, I can’t put into more words how much this book has impacted me.

“When you fight for what you believe in you come across a lot of obstacles people who don’t agree with you, people who agree with you but only some bits, people who are threatened by the strength of your belief, but I was beginning to realize, the biggest hurdle to overcome was the hurdle of yourself.”

Holly Bourne is an incredible writer, as she writes such powerful stories. I will literally read anything she write and if you haven’t already picked spinster club series or any of her work then i highly recommend you pick one of these at least.

“Mental illnesses grab you by the leg, screaming, and chow you down whole.They make you selfish. They make you irrational. They make you irrational. They make you self-absorbed. They make you needy. They make you cancel plans last minute. They make you not very fun to spend time with. They make you exhausting to be near.”

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