One of the toughest reading challenges for me last year was to read a medical memoir. I rarely read non-fiction. This book ” THIS IS GOING TO HURT ‘‘spoke volumes about what goes on behind the scenes, how difficult it can be both mentally as well as physically and yet be questioned about the dedication of doctor, not get your due value and at moments to be just taken for granted.

So, I told them the truth; the hours are terrible, the pay is terrible, the conditions are terrible; you are underappreciated, unsupported, disrespected and frequently physically endangered. But there’s no better job in the world.

Adam Kay

This book is written by a junior doctor who’s working in the NHS and is fully qualified and trained doctor just starts to specialist. In his diary he recounts his years spent in delivering babies and how the pressure in the hospital made him quite right before he made it to the top. He described not only what the tiring work is like on little to no sleep and what effect this had on his personal life.

It’s funny – you don’t think of doctors getting ill.’ It’s true, and I think it’s part of something bigger: patients don’t actually think of doctors as being human. It’s why they’re so quick to complain if we make a mistake or if we get cross.

Thats why they’ll bite our heads off when we finally call them into our over-running clinic room at 7 p.m., not thinking that we also have homes we’d rather be at.

But it’s the flip side of not wanting your doctor to be fallible, capable of getting your diagnosis wrong. They don’t want to think of medicine as a subject that anyone on the planet can learn, a career choice their mouth-breathing cousin could have made.

Adam Kay

He also described some of the many heartbreaking moments he had to deal with during his time Basically this book is an account of Adam’s six years spent as a junior doctor in the NHS through his diary that includes ups and downs of his profession as well as humorous anecdotes. He also explained the technical terms for us that have no clue whatsoever.


This book has taken much time than I expected because I was busy with some other stuff to and of medical terms used in this book, I’m not a doctor so I had to Google most of the terms honestly. This book was a roller-coaster of emotions for me I’ve laughed, I’ve cried and many time I have been disgusted.

Nobody should be forced to work to the point where they are too tired to drive home. Some of my cousins are doctor this book not only made me understand the stress they go through at hospital and but also at home.

Doctors must be psychologically fit for the job — able to make decisions under a terrifying amount of pressure, able to break bad news to us anguished relatives, able to deal with death on a daily basis. They must have something that cannot be memorized and graded; a great doctor must have a huge heart and a distended aorta which pumps a vast lake of compassion and human kindness.

Adam Kay

Everyone should read this book to get some perspective on the NHS and their doctors.
I would highly recommend this book.

This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay

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